The range of machines we supply are suitable for cooked, pasteurised and cooled baby food products. Naturally, we are able to produce other substances that have to meet the same high standards. The systems produce baby food that is suitable for babies from 4, 6, 8, 12 and 15 months old. By supplying this range of systems, you have one contact for your entire product line.
OPM & partners not only provides innovative and hygienic machines and systems, we will also gladly help you package baby food products. Our packaging machines for the filling and bacteria-free sealing of glass jars are highly suitable for the food sector.
Your Benefits:
High capacity and short process time
High vegetable, pasta and meat integrity
Good colour and flavour
Possible to use both fresh and frozen vegetables
Hygienic design, easy to clean, low maintenance
The EHEDG standard is complied with, if applicable
Fast recipe change without a lot of waste
Allows for cold and hot filling
Testing and running test batches in advance is possible in our own demo room
Batch size: